Monday, July 26, 2010


Broom Wagon

The 2010 Tour de France was fun to witness. I would say that Jens Voigt jumped to first on my scale of favorite Pro riders if he wasn't already there. Good for Jens that he was able to finish in Paris this year.

Jens at the start of le Grand Boucle in Rotterdam.
No Broom Wagon for Jens. Here he is chasing to stay in the tour on a much too small borrowed bike after crashing on the descent of the Col de Peyresourde.

Remember, I told you to keep an eye on this corner.

MIG Welding the magpie sign.

Sign up, on a very hot Saturday.

Cycles Marguerite


  1. Hey Curtis, stumbled upon your site and stoked to see your new digs. I hope the 80/20 jig and tube blocks have served you well.


  2. Hi Curtis

    So excited to hear about your latest venture!

    Would love to talk to you if you are building bikes soon or already. i am in the market.

    Merywen Wigley

  3. Check out Cylcles Marguerite logo on our jerseys!!!!/photo.php?fbid=1588954937058&set=t.1045456268

  4. Hey Curtis, hope all is well- I am interested in having a frame built how can I get it contact?
